Thursday, April 14, 2011


So it all started with this picture... The lovely Meghan Rand sent it over as a daily door for my other blog. Something about the picture sparked my imagination. The cobalt blue against the green just popped in a magical way. A few days later I saw this on a Swedish blog...

Then I saw these images on a travel blog about Shanghai....
Obviously, its undeniable that color is everywhere, especially when you live in an urban setting. However, I think what really caught my eye about these images was that we've been living in such a neutral world of design for the last ten years. Their is no denying that their is a time and a place for neutrals but lately I've been dying for some bright bursts of color to disrupt the beige landscape and frankly I think that time has come. Below is a great image of one of the Ace Hotels latest ventures. I love the bright bursts of color against the black subway tiles. It's both bold and playful all at once.
There's my favorite green once again - this time popping up at an LA burger house (if anyone knows the name of it please let me know - I've got to get better at labeling my pictures). So it looks like I've got my next color scheme picked out now all I need is the business to pay me to do it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Loyal readers may have noticed my love for boutique hotels. What makes smaller hotels so great is designers have the opportunity to make intimately personal spaces. In many cases the design might get a bit tired if you had to live with it every day but feel perfect for a long weekend. Here are a few shots from the Palm Springs Ace Hotel.

Dreaming of a weekend in the sun...

Our Website

It's finally up! We are so excited to announce the unveiling of our website! Check us out at